Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Meaning Behind "Night"

Q: The literary genre to which this book belongs to is memoir. One might make a case that it is also history. How do these two genres each contribute to the reader's understanding of Eliezer's story? Is memoir a good source of historical "fact"? Why/ why not?

a: The two genres, memoir and history both fit perfectly as a description of Eli Wisel's "Night" because the context of the book is filled with both history and experiences the Eli had experienced during the time in which he was in the concentration camps during the Holocaust. As a reader, being able to understand the story that I am reading is very important to me. I happen to enjoy reading both historical and memoirs because I am able to see what it was like to live during that specific time period. Yes, I believe that a memoir is a good source of a historical fact because you are able to see what author is experiencing at the time that the event had occurred in history.

Photo from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/godutchbaby/3302016976/

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