Sunday, February 7, 2010

How language makes up my world

1) Describe a small speech community to which you belong: What language(s) and/or dialect(s) do you regularly use (=the code), and what are the social norms for their use? Note the kinds of interactions you all engage in over one "typical" day: What are the topics discussed, the settings, the purposes, the "key," the types or genres of speech, etc?

The main language that is spoken in my family is English. As I have grown up however, I have learned bits and pieces of different languages that are a part of either the society in which I live in or my heritage. I have learned both Hebrew and Spanish in school. At numerous family gatherings, I have learned some Polish and Yiddish words because some of my family members had come over from Europe and they wanted me to learn some key words in order to make my vocabulary much stronger. Although the main language that I use daily in my life is English, I sometimes throw in a few words from the other languages that I happen to know.

Setting and Scene

The conversation that I observed was in my friends dorm room. Me and my friends were having a friendly conversation about how our day went. We discussed if whether or not we had had either a good or a productive day and if we had some good news that we had to share with the group.
As our conversations continue with each other, we sometimes have personal experiences or advice that we add to the topics. These results can sometimes make a friend feel special and welcomed to such a nice community filled with people who cared about them.
The main purpose of our discussion was to reach out to our friends and help out with any problems that they may had been experiencing.Whether it is a good day or bad day I can always count on my friends to be there and support me in times when I would need them to be there.
The stories that would be shared among my group of friends can differ on a daily basis depending on the kind of day that one of my friends had and whether or not they wanted to share their stories with everyone.

Picture Taken From:


  1. I absolutely did same conversation when I went back to Japan. As I miss them, it is really important.

  2. Its nice, i love how it relates to our everyday life.
