Sunday, March 7, 2010

Colliding Music with History

During Professor Lemak's lecture, I have learned how music can be somewhat tied into the history of wars that have gone on. During the lecture, a slideshow was presented to the attendees of the lecture that showed numerous maps of Greece and numerous war images as well as some of the famous names in classic rock music. The actual book, "The Burial at Thebes" is really a discussion between Creon and Oedepus and what to not do as a leader.

Question: How do we balance social justice with moral authority, or just with unjust laws?
Social Justice has a lot to do with the way a person thinks about the choices that they make on a daily basis. If a person chooses to commit a crime they are, put in jail so that they can reflect on the exactly what they did wrong. By being placed in jail, society is slowly becoming a better and safer place to live and work in.

Question: What constitutes social responsibility and justice, and what is the relationship between freedom and power?
Jury Duty is an example of a social responsibility that every citizen of the United States is required to be served. Many try to get out of this responsibility but are then forced to pay a fine or serve for an extra session. The relationship between freedom and power is that the government basically controls and oversees that each citizen is fulfilling their duty by paying their taxes on time.

Question: What constitutes leadership and how do leaders confront moral choices?
There are many different reasons as to why leadership is controlled. Every year on election day, the citizens of the United States are allowed under the Constitution to voice their own opinion as to who they would like to see as their new leader. The way that leaders confront moral choices is by speaking in public and letting those who matter to them (who would be the people) what they are looking to do in order to improve how society is functioning.

Picture taken from:

1 comment:

  1. Thisis an interesting idea: "By being placed in jail, society is slowly becoming a better and safer place to live and work", so then would you say putting MLK and Nelson Mandela in jail, it helped?
