Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Holocaust and it's impact on the world

The lecture that was given by Professor Denis was an excellent presentation on how much of an impact the Holocaust was made to history. The photographs that were shown throughout the presentation really made me appreciate that this is still not going on today. One thing that I had learned from the lecture was that I had never learned that there was an art museum in one of the concentration camps, "Auschwitz." The inmates were forced to draw pictures that reflected the exact opposite of what was actually going on during that present time in the concentration camps. The lecture has added to my relationship to the book because I have learned much more things that I did not know about the Holocaust.

Photo from:

The Psychology of Religion

Q: Where do God's anger, sarcasm, and indignation come from? Why is he so emotionally worked up? Analyze the psychology of God and his response to Job.

R: I believe that the reasoning behind God's choices towards Job's actions was a test that was asking Job to test all of his abilities and effort to stay loyal to God which he believed in. Job was tested both psychologically and physically so that God would be able to see that no matter the different tasks that Job was asked to do, he would never give up and stay loyal until the very end.

Photo taken from:

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Artist's Perspective

The lecture that was held at Elmira College on Friday, gave the Freshman Order and Chaos classes an inside look on how the art of the book came into play with both history and religion. I now have a much better understanding of the Book of Job because it allowed me to intertwine the different philosophies of both the authors perspective and an artist's point of view. I enjoyed the lecture greatly. Professor Kather broke down the book into different "plates" which clarified the each part of the story with how it was explained in both artwork and religious perspectives.