Thursday, April 15, 2010

How the Meaning of Order and Chaos Changed My Perception on Life

Throughout this term of Order of Chaos, I have explored the vast beliefs of many philosophers and how they perceived the ideas of Order and Chaos. While studying these beliefs, I noticed some Order and Chaos in my own life that I had never thought would be considered to be an example.

One of the first topics that we had discussed together as a whole class, featured an article that was written by Benjamin Franklin titled, "Autobiography". All throughout this article, Franklin discussed his virtues and beliefs about staying organized and order on a daily basis. In the article, Franklin decided to make himself a chart that would help him to stay organized on a daily basis. "The precept of Order requiring that every part of my business should have its allotted time, one page in my little book contain'd the following scheme of employment for the twenty- four hours of a natural day," Following this quote in the article, a time chart showed the hours in which he used throughout the day. The chart began from the time in which he woke up in the morning until the time that he went to bed. In between these times, he wrote specifically how long he would spend working, relaxing, eating, and organizing his house. I, like Franklin, use an organizational system like this on a daily basis. I will use a daily planner which has the page broken down by the hour and half hour. On these spaces, I will put when I have my classes, along with any type of meeting or if I plan on going to the gym, I will allot myself the proper amount of time so that it will not get in the way of me completing my schoolwork. Also when it comes down to deciding how long to spend on studying for a particular subject while I have other obligations to balance along with it. I will block out a few hours where I will mainly focus on studying for just that one subject.

In the novel "Night", by Elie Wiesel has a lot to with Commanding a large group of people. During the Holocaust, the Germans had used a system that allowed them to keep track of all of those people who were residing in the concentration camps all over Europe. "The three "veteran" prisoners, needles in hand, tattooed numbers on our left arms. I became A-7713. I had no other name. (Wiesel 42) The reason why the German Army "branded" the prisoners is so that they would be able to keep them Assembled throughout their time being at the concentration camps. The only bad thing about these "markings" is that they would forever loose the name that had been given to them when they were born. Structure has also made a large impact throughout the entire commanding of the Holocaust. "...A Jewish Council was appointed, as well as a Jewish police force, a welfare agency, a labor committee, a health agency- a whole governmental apparatus." (Wiesel 12)

Chaos also brings up an interesting topic. Especially when you are talking about a war of some sorts because just thinking about the word "WAR" Chaos automatically comes up in my mind because the only part of a war that seems to be somewhat structured throughout the whole part would be those positions in which the members of the army are assigned to follow out through the battle. In Karl Marx's "Communist Manifesto", Insanity would often occur between the different social classes. "Altogether, collisions between the classes of the old society further in many ways the course of development of the proletariat. The bourgeoisie finds itself involved in a constant battle."

Order and Chaos is something that I sometimes, cannot even control on my behalf. For example, living in New York City, I often have to deal with the terrible traffic that occurs on a daily basis due to the growing population in the city. I can sometimes take alternative routes but that may nor always work in my favor. Although I can try to plan my day in an orderly fashion, other activities may often come up and put a block in my schedule and often cause myself panicking and trying to get all that I wish to get accomplished for that day.

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Friday, April 9, 2010

How the theory of mathematics relates to chaotic society

When I first entered Professor Jacobson's lecture that was help on Wednesday April 8th, I began to think to myself, What am I going to learn from a math professor that relates to what we have been discussing in class? I was suddenly surprised with the fact that we can find chaos in any type of subject. For example, as Professor Jacobson discussed during his lecture was that even in a simple math equation, chaos can occur between both the numbers and the signs that are allotted within the problem. Although I am not a big fan of math I found the lecture to be interesting.
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Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Science of Evolution

During Professor Kjar's lecture, I had learned about the theory of evolution and that it is not always truly about the survival of the fittest. Growing up and learning about the beginnings of Charles Darwin's concept of "Survival of the Fittest" among the different types of species that there are in the world. What I took from the lecture was that Evolution can also be based off of others helping out others in order to survive. Throughout the lecture, Professor Kjar showed the attendees of the lecture a sideshow that was filled with pictures of bugs that had been helping out the other animals in order for them to survive as a whole.

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Blade Runner: A look into the future

Blade Runner is best known for its cyberpunk mise en scene (design aspects of the film): the incredibly dense texture of its shots. Watch very carefully and describe the 2020 culture the movie suggests visually.

In 2010, as the film Blade Runner suggests is run and looks very differently than the society in which we happen to live in today. In the "future" as described by the film has clones, flying cars, and flying billboards. The technology that is around today is no where near the advancement that is being shown in the movie. Scientists have for years been trying to create clones and robots and trying to advance the world in technology.

A moral message of the movie is that it was wrong to enslave the replicants and use them as forced labor since they were so human-like in both appearance and thought process. What would need to be different about replicants in order for us to feel that it was OK to use them for labor?

In order for the replicants to become accepted in our world as an assistant to the working field would require the replicants to learn all of the necessary skills that would be needed to help the workforce succeed. I feel as though in order for us, as humans to become comfortable with the replicants working among us, they would be able to help out all of the workers with their job so that the work day can go much more smoothly.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Colliding Music with History

During Professor Lemak's lecture, I have learned how music can be somewhat tied into the history of wars that have gone on. During the lecture, a slideshow was presented to the attendees of the lecture that showed numerous maps of Greece and numerous war images as well as some of the famous names in classic rock music. The actual book, "The Burial at Thebes" is really a discussion between Creon and Oedepus and what to not do as a leader.

Question: How do we balance social justice with moral authority, or just with unjust laws?
Social Justice has a lot to do with the way a person thinks about the choices that they make on a daily basis. If a person chooses to commit a crime they are, put in jail so that they can reflect on the exactly what they did wrong. By being placed in jail, society is slowly becoming a better and safer place to live and work in.

Question: What constitutes social responsibility and justice, and what is the relationship between freedom and power?
Jury Duty is an example of a social responsibility that every citizen of the United States is required to be served. Many try to get out of this responsibility but are then forced to pay a fine or serve for an extra session. The relationship between freedom and power is that the government basically controls and oversees that each citizen is fulfilling their duty by paying their taxes on time.

Question: What constitutes leadership and how do leaders confront moral choices?
There are many different reasons as to why leadership is controlled. Every year on election day, the citizens of the United States are allowed under the Constitution to voice their own opinion as to who they would like to see as their new leader. The way that leaders confront moral choices is by speaking in public and letting those who matter to them (who would be the people) what they are looking to do in order to improve how society is functioning.

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Connecting with ourselves through film

Questions from "self" unit:
1) Is there a self that I can control?
There can be two ways to answer this question. The way that one may think about themselves can be based both on his or her surroundings and how they put their mind towards answering certain questions. One's mind can control some of the actions that a person can make on a daily basis that can turn either into a good result or a bad result.

2) What forces shape our sense of self?
The type of friends that a person may choose to hang out with can influence the decisions and actions that they may choose to take. For example, the person who is hanging out with their group of friends "follows" everyone's actions may just "go with the flow" and not put in any input with the decisions.

Film Critique Questions:
1) Describe the most critical scene. What made this scene so important? What overarching message/principle does the scene convey? What were the cinematic techniques that made it work well? If you don't think it was successful, what made it ineffective? What would have improved it?
The most critical scene of the movie would have to be Jim Carrey's character: "Joel Barish" when he receives the accidental note about Clementine's decision to erase all of his existence from her mind. I think this because it describes the entire conflict of the film by flash backing to all of the times that Joel had with Clementine. I think that the techniques that the film director represented the flashback sequences greatly.

2)How does the film end (what is the last thing the viewer sees?) Why?
The story ended with the final scene of Joel and Clementine in the hallway, in which they appeared to have agreed to give their relationship one more try.There is debate as to what the repeated scene of Joel and Clem playing in the snow right before the credits means. In an interview also included with the published shooting script, Gondry said he wanted the scene of them playing in the snow to loop throughout the credits. This desire apparently sprang from the initial intent (expressed in an early script) that Joel and Clementine spent the rest of their lives meeting, falling in and out of love, getting their memories erased, and then repeating the cycle. However, Gondry said that this was not done, because it would ultimately distract from the credits.In addition, several photo-stills that were from footage that wound up on the cutting room floor show Joel and Clementine sitting together on the steps to Joel's building with their arms around each other (and dressed in the same clothes that they wore in the hallway scene). It is unclear whether these were pictures taken for promotional purposes or from footage cut from the final scene at Joel's apartment.

Photo taken from:

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Fight for Survival

The song The Warrior by Scandal featuring Patty Smyth talks about her battle to find love and that she doesn't let anything stand in her way because she is a strong woman. If someone wants something. They must survive so that they can obtain it.

You run, run, runaway
It's your heart that you betray
Feeding on your hungry eyes
I bet you're not so civilized

Well isn't love primitive?
A wild gift that you wanna give
Break out of captivity
And follow me stereo jungle child
Love is the kill
Your heart's still wild

Shooting at the walls of heartache
Bang, bang!
I am the warrior
Well I am the warrior
And heart to heart you'll win
If you survive the warrior, the warrior

You talk, talk, talk to me
Your eyes touch me physically
Stay with me we'll take the night
As passion takes another bite, oh
Who's the hunter, who's the game?
I feel the beat call your name
I hold you close in victory
I don't wanna tame your animal style
You won't be caged in the call of the wild

Shooting at the walls of heartache
Bang, bang!
I am the warrior
Well I am the warrior
And heart to heart you'll win
If you survive the warrior, the warrior
I am the warrior

Shooting at the walls of heartache
Bang, bang!
I am the warrior
And heart to heart you'll win
If you survive the warrior, the warrior